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written by: Cornelia Funke

composer: James Reynolds

libretto: Christophe Klimke





Photos by Thilo Beu courtesy of  the Bonn Opera


The mood and temperature of Ghost Knight is a mixture of adventure and magic, mixed with humor and “can only be done in the theater“ theatrical elements presented in a way that never loses sight of the themes set forth in the book; first love, responsibility and coming of age. From the minute the audience sets foot in the theater they are surrounded by a mood setting atmosphere of sound. This is later emphasized through the use of pre-recorded music and sounds that come from the back of the theater (danger always comes from behind) and also introduces the young audience to modern music theater in that the room itself functions as an acoustic space.


We do not play down to our audience – neither linguistically nor musically. It is evident that children will understand a work if they identify with the characters and this we do. Children are also very good at listening with their eyes. When they see the direct connection between music and dramaturgy, they come with us and open themselves for new experiences in music and theatre. Although the function of Geisterritter is not pedantic it is of course added value to create a piece that excites interest and enthusiasm in the opera public of the future. It also offers many opportunities for educational programming with schools and communities, as well as, and immersive environment where childern can play and interact with the characters from the show.

Features, benefits and added value to the theater, the story of Ghost Knight and it’s production values:


  • The uniqueness of Ghost Knight lies in its’ ability to appeal to a broad audience.


  • It’s bringing opera to a large audience, that perhaps would not otherwise experience contemporary music theater.


  • Its multi-faceted musical concept is all based in the dramaturgy and a constant source of surprise.


  • Its inventive use of “theater magic” and film integrated into the opera with the use of the hall and the space itself as part of the opera and the overall theatrical experience.


  • The “total theatre aspect” that makes for an entertaining, but also rewarding music theatre experience for young and old.



program notes

Cornelia Funke has sold over 20 million copies of her books worldwide.


An award-winning German author of children's fiction. She was born on December 10, 1958, in Dorsten, North Rhine-Westphalia. Funke is best known for her Inkheart trilogy, published in 2004–2008.


  • Ghost Knight is the first Opera based on Cornelia Funke's books.

  • Cornelia Funke is the most popular author of children’s books in German-speaking countries.

  • Her books have been presented as theater and films in many languages and countries. She writes her books in English before they are translated into German.

  • Cornelia Funke is widely discussed in the international press.





James Reynolds is an American citizen living in Berlin. He has a broad range of experience in all facets of contemporary music theater, including German Radio, television, Broadway and 80’s synth-punk music.


His work has been heard in Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Austria, and Israel.


Boosey& Hawkes the publisher of Ghost Knight is one of the world’s largest music publishers of Classical and New Music.




  • James Reynolds and Cornelia Funke will give an introduction to the opera.


  • School programs could prepare the young audience through an introduction to different and new instrumental techniques.


  • Boosey & Hawkes has a wide range of promotional materials.

  • The includes video, atmospheric soundscapes and special effects lend itself to sponsorship and/or collaboration with a computer or audio/visual company for the production.

  • The German- American co-producers creates a democratic cross cultural dialogue.


Jon Whitcroft = Lyr. Tenor

11 years old, intelligent, fatherless and is sent to boarding school. In the beginning feels lost and rudderless His self-confidence grows.


Ella Littlejohn = Lyr. Soprano

Jons girlfriend and 1st love.Intelligent, mature and self-confidant.


Zelda Littlejohn = Dram. Soprano

Ella’s grandmother. Older woman in the Miss Marple-Tradition, sometimes grumpy. Quaint. Expert on ghosts.


William Longspee = Lyr. Baritone

Courageous. A hero. Repents what he did as a knight and warrior. Desire to help others as repentance.


Angus = Lyr. Baritone

Jon’s roommate sings in the choir. ¾ Irish. Sleeps under a mountain of stuffed animals.


Stu = Lyr. Tenor

Jon’s roommate. Always falling in love. Small and chatty. Covered with freckles and fake tattoos.


Lord Stourton = Countertenor Evil. As a nobleman was hung with a silken rope. Wants to take his revenge out on Jon.


Ela Longspee = Lyr. Sopran (Chorsolo) Longspees wife. Corageous.Was the Sheriff of Salisbury.


Aleister Jindrich = Comic Tenor

One time student at the boarding school. Slimy and cheesy.


Alma and Edward Popplewell = Alto / Character Tenor

Long married older couple who run the boarding house. Nice and overly concerned.


Mr. Rifkin = Character Bass

Jons history teacher. A know it all and very full of himself.


3 Demons = Bass / Baritone (Choirsolo)

Bizarre caricatures of evil spirits. Accompany Stourton.

Frog choir = 3 actors and actresses that can rap. Can be done by children. Comedians, funny. Well meaning but always in the way. Ready to fight until the fight starts.


1 Piccolo

2 Flutes ( 1. also Alto flute )

2 Oboes ( 1 also English horn )

2 Clarinets in Bb ( 1 also Alto saxophone 2. Also Bass Clarinet in Bb ) 1 Basson

1 Contrabassoon


2 Horns in F

2 Trumpets in Bb 2 Trombones

1 Bass Trombone


1 Tympani

4 Percussion


1 Harp

1 Piano ( also Celesta )

1 Synthesiser / Sampler ( Also Electric Piano)

(Audio Playback Tracks Triggered by Synthesiser)


1 Electric Guitar

8 Violins I

6 Violins II

5 Violas

4 Cellos

4 Basses

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